In the realm of emotions, love, a tapestry woven with threads of beauty, is not always adorned in hues of joy. Sometimes, it dons the somber garments of sorrow and disappointment. Shall we, then, embark on a daring escapade, my dearest companion? Let us elope from the clutches of love's intricate dance and seek refuge in the untamed wilderness of our shared existence. Together, let's cast away the constraints, embracing the wild whispers of our souls. Unleash the authenticity within, as we navigate the labyrinth of emotions, a fearless duo evading the shackles of conventional affection. Escape, my confidant, and be unapologetically real, guided solely by the instinct that binds us.
Photographer  Hoàng Hiệp
Concept Design  Tạ Thùy Chi
Model  Tạ Thùy Chi, Trần Hà Thu
Assistance  Nguyễn Hoàng Anh
Love Escape


Love Escape
